Bubbles...Steam... Serenity...
We all know the struggle is real when you're looking for the soap and you can't help but wonder why you even made supper as you already know that the soap did not dissolve in the water.
Whatever you considered buying is hereby replaced with Power².

Double the playtime, double the bubbles, double the relaxation and double your satisfaction.
These Bubbly Doh's comes in a range that has no limits and exceeds expectations.
Colours - Your call
Fragrances - Keep your options open
Shapes - Your theme
Skep 'n ruimte wat jou kind of kleuter sal aanmoedig om hulle kreatiwiteit te beoefen deur verskillende voorwerpe te vorm met die sepies nà wastyd.
Bêre hulle kunswerkies dan tot die volgende badkamer roetine soos met gewone seep.

Ons is net die klei, en HY die skepper.
Dis belangrik om van kleins af te leer om tevrede te wees met dit wat ons het. Ons word gevorm om aan te pas in SY doel vir ons lewens.
Quote: Vir goed of sleg sien ek kans, want HY is my toevlug. HY vorm my nes klei omdat ek volgens SY beeld geskape is.
The journey makes the destination worth it - not the other way around.