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Wild Fig and Hibiscus


Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Hibiscus essential oil is prized for its brilliant antibacterial properties due to the noteworthy levels of the valuable constituents – vitamin C and alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA). Applying 2 – 3 drops of hibiscus oil diluted in almond oil on the face and then washing off with a gentle cleanser instantly clears pores of dirt and germs, ridding skin of acne-triggering bacteria, pimples and dark spots, leaving behind a radiant and blemish-free look.

Soothes Dryness And Rashes

Renowned for its remarkable anti-inflammatory and emollient characteristics, hibiscus essential oil works wonders in calming irritated skin, due to dry weather in summers and winters. Applying ample amounts of coconut oil infused with hibiscus oil extracts on the parched sections of the body provides soft, smooth, hydrated skin, sans roughness and redness.

Vye was Cleopatra se gunstelingvrug, maar dit kan ook help met die behering van cholesterol, hardlywigheid en voorkoming van kolonkanker.

Vye is 'n goeie bron van kalium, 'n mineraal wat deurslaggewend is om bloeddruk te beheer. Verminder ook risiko vir verwante toestande soos beroerte.

Kalium help verhoed dat laedightheid-lipoproteïen-cholesterol teen die slagaarwande opbou.

David B Young, Ph.D., professor in fisiologie en biofisika aan die Mediese Sentrum van die Universiteit van Mississippi in Jackson.



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