Those soothing sea breezes. It's not just the promise of relaxation that makes that sea breeze smell so good. The iodine, salt, and magnesium present in sea air can reduce the symptoms of asthma, promote respiratory health, improve allergies and skin problems, and stimulate the immune system.
The air purified by these essential oils is beneficial for your lungs and blood flow.

The pleasant fragrance keeps your energy levels higher and keeps you enthusiastic throughout the day.

SINONIEM van "Sea Breeze":
Plaaslike windstelsel gekenmerk deur 'n vloei van see na land gedurende die dag .
Seebries wissel af met landbries langs die kusstreke van oseane of groot mere in die afwesigheid van 'n sterk grootskaalse windstelsel gedurende periodes van sterk dagverhitting of nagverkoeling